FITR Training Supporting the Fitness Community #FITRTOGETHER

How we're uniquely able to support the fitness community to efficiently deliver training programs to an international client base

About Fitr

Mar 20, 2020

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FITR Training Supporting the Fitness Community #FITRTOGETHER

About us.

FITR Training has been designed to efficiently and cost effectively allow coaches to deliver all variants of fitness programs across the world. Whether you’re a standalone coach or operating as a team of coaches under one roof, we’re here to help you!

Taken from our onboarding process.

How is it efficient?

Training Programs. Create and manage as many training programs as you wish, build a library to suit your needs. There’s no limit to how many you can create and we don’t charge per program.

Sign up as many clients as you'd like to your training programs. We don’t charge based on the number of clients you have like many other platforms do. The more the merrier!

An example of one of the questions we ask in the program creator flow.

So you’re cost effective?

We are. If you want to deliver free programs to your clients we don’t charge a single penny. We make money when you do. No catches. This is proving extremely useful for coaches who have found themselves going into the world of remote coaching unintentionally due to the current health pandemic, or for those wishing to offer home workout alternatives to their remote programming.

One of our coaches just sent out a one-off download to 200 clients at no cost.

Setting the price of your program. Deliver for free, or charge your clients. The choice is yours.

It sounds too good to be true?

We make money when coaches sell programs through the system. Coaches set a price for the training program and there’s a flat fee of 5%+20 pence GBP (converted if you’re outside the UK) per sale. At the point of setting the price, a coach will see what they will earn from the sale there and then - no hidden fees!

I’ve seen that it’s a limited time offer on your website?

That’s true. We do have plans to introduce a monthly fee on top of the transaction fee, but there’s two things. Firstly, any coach that's signed up and using FITR Training before that point will never see this monthly fee. Secondly, we’re extending this offer until after the current pandemic crisis. There is currently no set date when it will be introduced.

Do my clients have to pay anything?

The only fee your clients will pay is if you charge them for a training program, that’s it.

What makes us different?

Apart from the points mentioned above, we think you’ll love this about what we do:

  • Ease of use - It takes no time at all to get started. Choose from our four program types, use templates, offer one-off downloads to ongoing subscriptions, group based programming or totally bespoke to one client;
  • Benchmark programming - A huge hit amongst our coaches. Send individualised targets such as target weights or split times to individual clients, regardless of how many people are following that program;
  • Your Public Page - you won’t need a website as you can create a public page directly in FITR Training itself which acts in the same way, describing who you are, what you do and what programs you have to offer through FITR Training;
  • Ease client sign up - We don't make you invite clients one by one. Every program has a unique URL link you can share. Once accessed will take the client automatically through the sign up process. You don't need to lift a finger; and
  • Automatic payments and coupon capability. Whether it’s a one off payment you need to take or ongoing subscriptions, we’ve got you covered. You set the price, we take care of the rest. We’ll even automatically block program access after missed payments.

Discover all our features here -


Spread the word about how you can use FITR Training for free amongst the fitness community as we have a tool that can help people in this crazy time. Anyone who needs to access their community remotely, whether it’s personal trainers, physios, nutritionists - the list is endless!

Tag us on Instagram and use the hashtag #FITRTOGETHER and we’ll repost your programs!

Join the FITR community to grow yours.

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